Call tree for application bin/rails
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Thread: 70299702133240, Fiber: 70299803237500 (50.89% ~ 284.04801297187805)
100.00% (100.00%) Global#[No method] [1 calls, 1 total]
100.00% (100.00%) Rails::Application::RoutesReloader#execute_if_updated [1 calls, 1 total]
100.00% (100.00%) Rails::Application::RoutesReloader#updater [1 calls, 1 total]
100.00% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker#execute [1 calls, 1 total]
100.00% (100.00%) Proc#call [1 calls, 13801 total]
100.00% (100.00%) Rails::Application::RoutesReloader#reload! [1 calls, 1 total]
99.96% (99.96%) Rails::Application::RoutesReloader#load_paths [1 calls, 1 total]
99.96% (100.00%) Array#each [1 calls, 105526 total]
99.96% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable#load [2 calls, 12 total]
99.96% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable#load_dependency [2 calls, 64 total]
99.96% (100.00%) Kernel#load [2 calls, 12 total]
99.96% (100.00%) ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet#draw [2 calls, 2 total]
99.96% (100.00%) ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet#eval_block [2 calls, 4 total]
99.96% (100.00%) BasicObject#instance_exec [1 calls, 39 total]
99.47% (99.51%) ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper#authenticated [4 calls, 4 total]
99.47% (100.00%) ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper#constraints_for [4 calls, 4 total]
99.47% (100.00%) ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping#constraints [4 calls, 5 total]
99.47% (100.00%) ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper::Scoping#scope [4 calls, 109 total]
99.40% (99.93%) <Module::ActiveAdmin>#routes [1 calls, 1 total]
99.40% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::Application#routes [1 calls, 1 total]
99.01% (99.61%) ActiveAdmin::Application#load! [1 calls, 1 total]
98.94% (99.93%) Array#each [1 calls, 105526 total]
98.94% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::Application#load [10 calls, 10 total]
98.94% (100.00%) <Class::ActiveAdmin::DatabaseHitDuringLoad>#capture [10 calls, 10 total]
98.94% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable#load [10 calls, 12 total]
98.94% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable#load_dependency [10 calls, 64 total]
98.94% (100.00%) Kernel#load [10 calls, 12 total]
98.78% (99.84%) <Module::ActiveAdmin>#register [8 calls, 8 total]
98.78% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::Application#register [8 calls, 8 total]
98.78% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::Namespace#register [8 calls, 9 total]
98.71% (99.93%) ActiveAdmin::Namespace#parse_registration_block [8 calls, 9 total]
98.71% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::DSL#run_registration_block [8 calls, 11 total]
98.71% (100.00%) BasicObject#instance_exec [8 calls, 39 total]
98.63% (99.92%) ActiveAdmin::ResourceDSL#scope [24 calls, 26 total]
98.63% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::Resource::Scopes#scope [24 calls, 26 total]
98.63% (100.00%) Class#new [24 calls, 108684 total]
98.63% (100.00%) ActiveAdmin::Scope#initialize [24 calls, 26 total]
98.63% (100.00%) String#parameterize [24 calls, 32 total]
98.63% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::Inflector#parameterize [24 calls, 32 total]
98.63% (100.00%) ActiveSupport::Inflector#transliterate [24 calls, 32 total]
98.59% (99.96%) #<Module:0x007fdfdd8227c8>#transliterate [24 calls, 32 total]
98.59% (100.00%) #<Module:0x007fdfdd8227c8>#enforce_available_locales! [24 calls, 33 total]
98.59% (100.00%) #<Module:0x007fdfdd8227c8>#locale_available? [24 calls, 33 total]
98.59% (100.00%) I18n::Config#available_locales_set [24 calls, 33 total]
98.59% (100.00%) I18n::Config#available_locales [1 calls, 1 total]
98.59% (100.00%) I18n::Backend::Simple::Implementation#available_locales [1 calls, 1 total]
98.59% (100.00%) I18n::Backend::Simple::Implementation#init_translations [1 calls, 1 total]
98.59% (100.00%) I18n::Backend::Base#load_translations [1 calls, 1 total]
98.59% (100.00%) Array#each [1 calls, 105526 total]
98.59% (100.00%) I18n::Backend::Base#load_file [97 calls, 97 total]
98.33% (99.74%) I18n::Backend::Base#load_yml [97 calls, 97 total]
98.33% (100.00%) <Module::Psych>#load_file [97 calls, 97 total]
98.33% (100.00%) <Class::IO>#open [97 calls, 98 total]
98.29% (99.96%) <Module::Psych>#load [97 calls, 97 total]
97.74% (99.44%) Psych::Nodes::Node#to_ruby [97 calls, 97 total]
97.74% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [97 calls, 49962 total]
97.74% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [97 calls, 49962 total]
97.74% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [97 calls, 49962 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Document [97 calls, 97 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [97 calls, 49962 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [97 calls, 49962 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [97 calls, 49962 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#revive_hash [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Enumerable#each_slice [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Array#each [97 calls, 105526 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [194 calls, 49962 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [194 calls, 49962 total]
97.73% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [194 calls, 49962 total]
97.54% (99.80%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#revive_hash [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Enumerable#each_slice [97 calls, 1518 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Array#each [97 calls, 105526 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [216 calls, 49962 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [216 calls, 49962 total]
97.53% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [216 calls, 49962 total]
97.33% (99.80%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [107 calls, 1518 total]
97.33% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping [107 calls, 1518 total]
97.33% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#revive_hash [107 calls, 1518 total]
97.33% (100.00%) Enumerable#each_slice [107 calls, 1518 total]
97.33% (100.00%) Array#each [107 calls, 105526 total]
97.32% (99.99%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [3192 calls, 49962 total]
97.31% (99.99%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [3192 calls, 49962 total]
97.31% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [3192 calls, 49962 total]
92.38% (94.94%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [635 calls, 1518 total]
92.38% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping [635 calls, 1518 total]
92.38% (100.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#revive_hash [635 calls, 1518 total]
92.37% (100.00%) Enumerable#each_slice [635 calls, 1518 total]
92.37% (100.00%) Array#each [635 calls, 105526 total]
92.35% (99.98%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [5710 calls, 49962 total]
92.34% (99.99%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [5710 calls, 49962 total]
92.33% (99.99%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [5710 calls, 49962 total]
76.32% (82.66%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence [500 calls, 563 total]
75.37% (98.76%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register_empty [500 calls, 563 total]
75.37% (100.00%) Array#each [500 calls, 105526 total]
75.24% (99.83%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [34664 calls, 49962 total]
75.16% (99.88%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [34664 calls, 49962 total]
75.10% (99.93%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [34664 calls, 49962 total]
69.56% (92.62%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar [34631 calls, 47784 total]
69.41% (99.79%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#deserialize [34631 calls, 47784 total]
68.92% (99.28%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [34631 calls, 48347 total]
66.26% (96.14%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [34631 calls, 96810 total]
49.89% (75.30%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [34631 calls, 48405 total]
49.71% (99.64%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [34631 calls, 48405 total]
47.77% (96.09%) Kernel#loop [34631 calls, 48405 total]
8.10% (16.96%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [6233580 calls, 8654114 total]
1.54% (18.97%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.75% (49.13%) Enumerable#none? [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.72% (94.83%) Array#each [34631 calls, 105526 total]
0.16% (22.08%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [242417 calls, 8799329 total]
0.57% (36.96%) Kernel#caller_locations [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.05% (3.50%) Exception#set_backtrace [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.17% (2.13%) Class#new [34631 calls, 108684 total]
0.05% (31.55%) Exception#initialize [34631 calls, 96795 total]
0.05% (0.58%) Exception#exception [34631 calls, 96826 total]
0.04% (0.54%) Exception#backtrace [34631 calls, 96841 total]
5.62% (11.75%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [5056126 calls, 7016526 total]
3.72% (7.79%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [5056126 calls, 7016495 total]
0.02% (0.04%) Module#=== [34631 calls, 229904 total]
0.05% (0.10%) Array#drop [34631 calls, 96810 total]
15.48% (23.37%) Enumerable#none? [34631 calls, 96810 total]
15.45% (99.78%) Array#each [34631 calls, 105526 total]
3.80% (24.63%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [6095056 calls, 8799329 total]
0.55% (0.83%) Kernel#caller_locations [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.04% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.03% (0.05%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [34631 calls, 48405 total]
0.03% (0.05%) Array#drop [34631 calls, 96810 total]
0.20% (0.29%) BasicObject#method_missing [34631 calls, 48347 total]
0.13% (67.97%) NoMethodError#initialize [34631 calls, 48347 total]
0.08% (62.48%) NameError#initialize [34631 calls, 48353 total]
0.04% (47.49%) Exception#initialize [34631 calls, 96795 total]
0.11% (0.16%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [34631 calls, 48347 total]
0.04% (0.05%) Exception#exception [34631 calls, 96826 total]
0.03% (0.05%) Exception#backtrace [34631 calls, 96841 total]
0.02% (0.02%) Module#=== [34631 calls, 229904 total]
0.38% (0.55%) Psych::ScalarScanner#tokenize [30567 calls, 37102 total]
0.08% (20.33%) Regexp#=== [65206 calls, 83821 total]
0.05% (12.91%) Hash#key? [59969 calls, 78094 total]
0.01% (1.51%) Psych::ScalarScanner#parse_int [2406 calls, 2439 total]
0.00% (27.01%) Regexp#=== [2406 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Kernel#Integer [5 calls, 9 total]
0.01% (1.42%) String#gsub [2406 calls, 2976 total]
0.00% (0.17%) String#=== [1173 calls, 1569 total]
0.06% (0.09%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [34631 calls, 49865 total]
5.26% (7.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence [33 calls, 563 total]
5.19% (98.72%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register_empty [33 calls, 563 total]
5.19% (100.00%) Array#each [33 calls, 105526 total]
5.18% (99.85%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [2471 calls, 49962 total]
5.18% (99.89%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [2471 calls, 49962 total]
5.17% (99.93%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [2471 calls, 49962 total]
5.15% (99.62%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar [2471 calls, 47784 total]
5.15% (99.82%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#deserialize [2471 calls, 47784 total]
5.14% (99.88%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [2471 calls, 48347 total]
4.95% (96.36%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [2471 calls, 96810 total]
3.69% (74.49%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [2471 calls, 48405 total]
3.68% (99.68%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [2471 calls, 48405 total]
3.53% (96.11%) Kernel#loop [2471 calls, 48405 total]
0.62% (17.47%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [462077 calls, 8654114 total]
0.12% (19.31%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.06% (52.70%) Enumerable#none? [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.05% (80.32%) Array#each [2471 calls, 105526 total]
0.01% (28.41%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [17297 calls, 8799329 total]
0.04% (34.84%) Kernel#caller_locations [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (3.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (1.94%) Class#new [2471 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (32.23%) Exception#initialize [2471 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.53%) Exception#exception [2471 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.46%) Exception#backtrace [2471 calls, 96841 total]
0.42% (11.90%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [375592 calls, 7016526 total]
0.27% (7.74%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [375592 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Module#=== [2471 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Array#drop [2471 calls, 96810 total]
1.20% (24.27%) Enumerable#none? [2471 calls, 96810 total]
1.20% (99.80%) Array#each [2471 calls, 105526 total]
0.30% (25.41%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [452193 calls, 8799329 total]
0.04% (0.73%) Kernel#caller_locations [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (0.11%) Array#drop [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [2471 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [2471 calls, 48405 total]
0.01% (0.25%) BasicObject#method_missing [2471 calls, 48347 total]
0.01% (66.77%) NoMethodError#initialize [2471 calls, 48347 total]
0.01% (65.83%) NameError#initialize [2471 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (48.84%) Exception#initialize [2471 calls, 96795 total]
0.01% (0.14%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [2471 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#exception [2471 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#backtrace [2471 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [2471 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [2471 calls, 49865 total]
0.01% (0.12%) Kernel#hash [2471 calls, 58499 total]
0.01% (0.10%) Kernel#class [2471 calls, 50958 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Array#push [2471 calls, 40418 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [33 calls, 49865 total]
0.07% (1.27%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [33 calls, 48347 total]
0.06% (96.51%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.05% (79.15%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [33 calls, 48405 total]
0.05% (99.51%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [33 calls, 48405 total]
0.05% (96.92%) Kernel#loop [33 calls, 48405 total]
0.01% (29.95%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [4785 calls, 7016526 total]
0.01% (14.10%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [5907 calls, 8654114 total]
0.00% (19.09%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (46.81%) Enumerable#none? [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (95.05%) Array#each [33 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (23.88%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [231 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (39.23%) Kernel#caller_locations [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (3.54%) Exception#set_backtrace [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (2.47%) Class#new [33 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (30.50%) Exception#initialize [33 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.62%) Exception#exception [33 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.51%) Exception#backtrace [33 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (6.68%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [4785 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Module#=== [33 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.15%) Array#drop [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (19.72%) Enumerable#none? [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (99.77%) Array#each [33 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (26.13%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [5775 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (0.65%) Kernel#caller_locations [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [33 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Array#drop [33 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.26%) BasicObject#method_missing [33 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (69.67%) NoMethodError#initialize [33 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (64.83%) NameError#initialize [33 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (50.38%) Exception#initialize [33 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.12%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [33 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Exception#exception [33 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Exception#backtrace [33 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [33 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Kernel#=== [33 calls, 1139 total]
0.08% (0.11%) Kernel#hash [34664 calls, 58499 total]
0.08% (0.10%) Kernel#class [34664 calls, 50958 total]
0.04% (0.05%) Array#push [34664 calls, 40418 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [500 calls, 49865 total]
0.94% (1.23%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [500 calls, 48347 total]
0.91% (96.26%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.67% (74.13%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [500 calls, 48405 total]
0.67% (99.64%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [500 calls, 48405 total]
0.64% (95.73%) Kernel#loop [500 calls, 48405 total]
0.12% (18.19%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [86000 calls, 8654114 total]
0.02% (20.97%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (48.03%) Kernel#caller_locations [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (39.37%) Enumerable#none? [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (94.46%) Array#each [500 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (22.87%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [3500 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (2.93%) Exception#set_backtrace [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (2.23%) Class#new [500 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (30.89%) Exception#initialize [500 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.58%) Exception#exception [500 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.50%) Exception#backtrace [500 calls, 96841 total]
0.07% (11.40%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [69500 calls, 7016526 total]
0.05% (7.28%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [69500 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Module#=== [500 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.09%) Array#drop [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.21% (23.63%) Enumerable#none? [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.21% (99.77%) Array#each [500 calls, 105526 total]
0.05% (24.41%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [84000 calls, 8799329 total]
0.02% (1.77%) Kernel#caller_locations [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [500 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Array#drop [500 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.29%) BasicObject#method_missing [500 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (64.69%) NoMethodError#initialize [500 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (65.61%) NameError#initialize [500 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (48.95%) Exception#initialize [500 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.15%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [500 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#backtrace [500 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#exception [500 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [500 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Kernel#=== [500 calls, 1139 total]
9.16% (9.92%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar [4645 calls, 47784 total]
9.14% (99.81%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#deserialize [4645 calls, 47784 total]
9.10% (99.55%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [4645 calls, 48347 total]
8.75% (96.11%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [4645 calls, 96810 total]
6.51% (74.38%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [4645 calls, 48405 total]
6.48% (99.51%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [4645 calls, 48405 total]
6.22% (96.10%) Kernel#loop [4645 calls, 48405 total]
1.04% (16.70%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [803585 calls, 8654114 total]
0.21% (19.92%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.11% (50.76%) Enumerable#none? [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.10% (95.41%) Array#each [4645 calls, 105526 total]
0.02% (19.37%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [32515 calls, 8799329 total]
0.06% (31.21%) Kernel#caller_locations [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (3.27%) Exception#set_backtrace [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.02% (2.32%) Class#new [4645 calls, 108684 total]
0.01% (32.10%) Exception#initialize [4645 calls, 96795 total]
0.01% (0.65%) Exception#exception [4645 calls, 96826 total]
0.01% (0.56%) Exception#backtrace [4645 calls, 96841 total]
0.72% (11.53%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [650300 calls, 7016526 total]
0.50% (7.98%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [650300 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Module#=== [4645 calls, 229904 total]
0.01% (0.08%) Array#drop [4645 calls, 96810 total]
2.12% (24.29%) Enumerable#none? [4645 calls, 96810 total]
2.12% (99.80%) Array#each [4645 calls, 105526 total]
0.50% (23.64%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [785005 calls, 8799329 total]
0.07% (0.79%) Kernel#caller_locations [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.06%) Exception#set_backtrace [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [4645 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Array#drop [4645 calls, 96810 total]
0.02% (0.27%) BasicObject#method_missing [4645 calls, 48347 total]
0.02% (67.15%) NoMethodError#initialize [4645 calls, 48347 total]
0.01% (65.73%) NameError#initialize [4645 calls, 48353 total]
0.01% (48.16%) Exception#initialize [4645 calls, 96795 total]
0.01% (0.15%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [4645 calls, 48347 total]
0.01% (0.10%) Exception#exception [4645 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#backtrace [4645 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [4645 calls, 229904 total]
0.03% (0.30%) Psych::ScalarScanner#tokenize [2768 calls, 37102 total]
0.01% (23.15%) Regexp#=== [3464 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (14.66%) Hash#key? [5271 calls, 78094 total]
0.00% (0.29%) String#=== [123 calls, 1569 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Psych::ScalarScanner#parse_int [1 calls, 2439 total]
0.00% (17.53%) Regexp#=== [1 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (16.49%) Kernel#Integer [1 calls, 9 total]
0.00% (0.01%) String#gsub [1 calls, 2976 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Regexp#=== [2 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (0.00%) String#=== [14 calls, 1569 total]
0.01% (0.09%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [4645 calls, 49865 total]
6.80% (7.37%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [565 calls, 1518 total]
6.80% (99.95%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping [565 calls, 1518 total]
6.80% (99.96%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#revive_hash [565 calls, 1518 total]
6.79% (99.98%) Enumerable#each_slice [565 calls, 1518 total]
6.79% (99.99%) Array#each [565 calls, 105526 total]
6.79% (99.89%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [2658 calls, 49962 total]
6.78% (99.91%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [2658 calls, 49962 total]
6.78% (99.94%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [2658 calls, 49962 total]
5.38% (79.33%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar [2620 calls, 47784 total]
5.37% (99.81%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#deserialize [2620 calls, 47784 total]
5.35% (99.68%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [2620 calls, 48347 total]
5.15% (96.29%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [2620 calls, 96810 total]
3.88% (75.26%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [2620 calls, 48405 total]
3.86% (99.58%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [2620 calls, 48405 total]
3.72% (96.26%) Kernel#loop [2620 calls, 48405 total]
0.61% (16.48%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [476840 calls, 8654114 total]
0.11% (18.73%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.06% (53.49%) Enumerable#none? [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.06% (95.59%) Array#each [2620 calls, 105526 total]
0.01% (18.55%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [18340 calls, 8799329 total]
0.04% (33.18%) Kernel#caller_locations [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (3.25%) Exception#set_backtrace [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (2.20%) Class#new [2620 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (32.51%) Exception#initialize [2620 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.62%) Exception#exception [2620 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.51%) Exception#backtrace [2620 calls, 96841 total]
0.44% (11.92%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [385140 calls, 7016526 total]
0.28% (7.66%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [385140 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Module#=== [2620 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Array#drop [2620 calls, 96810 total]
1.21% (23.59%) Enumerable#none? [2620 calls, 96810 total]
1.21% (99.80%) Array#each [2620 calls, 105526 total]
0.31% (25.32%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [466360 calls, 8799329 total]
0.04% (0.72%) Kernel#caller_locations [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [2620 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Array#drop [2620 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (0.26%) BasicObject#method_missing [2620 calls, 48347 total]
0.01% (66.60%) NoMethodError#initialize [2620 calls, 48347 total]
0.01% (65.58%) NameError#initialize [2620 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (50.65%) Exception#initialize [2620 calls, 96795 total]
0.01% (0.21%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [2620 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#exception [2620 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#backtrace [2620 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [2620 calls, 229904 total]
0.01% (0.18%) Psych::ScalarScanner#tokenize [1335 calls, 37102 total]
0.00% (20.22%) Regexp#=== [1159 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (17.60%) Hash#key? [2087 calls, 78094 total]
0.00% (0.43%) String#=== [72 calls, 1569 total]
0.00% (0.10%) Psych::ScalarScanner#parse_int [2 calls, 2439 total]
0.00% (28.45%) Regexp#=== [2 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (24.14%) Kernel#Integer [2 calls, 9 total]
0.00% (0.05%) String#gsub [2 calls, 2976 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [2620 calls, 49865 total]
1.17% (17.29%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Sequence [25 calls, 563 total]
1.12% (95.70%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register_empty [25 calls, 563 total]
1.12% (99.99%) Array#each [25 calls, 105526 total]
1.12% (99.84%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [516 calls, 49962 total]
1.12% (99.90%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [516 calls, 49962 total]
1.12% (99.93%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [516 calls, 49962 total]
1.11% (99.61%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar [516 calls, 47784 total]
1.11% (99.83%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#deserialize [516 calls, 47784 total]
1.10% (99.37%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [516 calls, 48347 total]
1.07% (96.46%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.79% (74.63%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [516 calls, 48405 total]
0.79% (99.68%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [516 calls, 48405 total]
0.76% (96.05%) Kernel#loop [516 calls, 48405 total]
0.12% (15.96%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [97524 calls, 8654114 total]
0.02% (18.16%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (49.26%) Enumerable#none? [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (95.11%) Array#each [516 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (20.70%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [3612 calls, 8799329 total]
0.01% (36.13%) Kernel#caller_locations [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (3.35%) Exception#set_backtrace [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (2.24%) Class#new [516 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (30.88%) Exception#initialize [516 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.68%) Exception#exception [516 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.53%) Exception#backtrace [516 calls, 96841 total]
0.09% (11.44%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [78948 calls, 7016526 total]
0.06% (8.24%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [78948 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Module#=== [516 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Array#drop [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.26% (24.26%) Enumerable#none? [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.26% (99.79%) Array#each [516 calls, 105526 total]
0.06% (23.25%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [95460 calls, 8799329 total]
0.01% (0.71%) Kernel#caller_locations [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.06%) Exception#set_backtrace [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.03%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [516 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Array#drop [516 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.25%) BasicObject#method_missing [516 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (65.53%) NoMethodError#initialize [516 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (67.11%) NameError#initialize [516 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (49.04%) Exception#initialize [516 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.13%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [516 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#exception [516 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#backtrace [516 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [516 calls, 229904 total]
0.01% (0.47%) Psych::ScalarScanner#tokenize [516 calls, 37102 total]
0.00% (21.90%) Regexp#=== [839 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (13.17%) Hash#key? [1023 calls, 78094 total]
0.00% (1.38%) Psych::ScalarScanner#parse_int [26 calls, 2439 total]
0.00% (24.71%) Regexp#=== [26 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (1.20%) String#gsub [26 calls, 2976 total]
0.00% (0.04%) String#=== [3 calls, 1569 total]
0.00% (0.08%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [516 calls, 49865 total]
0.00% (0.13%) Kernel#hash [516 calls, 58499 total]
0.00% (0.11%) Kernel#class [516 calls, 50958 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Array#push [516 calls, 40418 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [25 calls, 49865 total]
0.05% (4.28%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [25 calls, 48347 total]
0.05% (96.34%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.04% (77.59%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [25 calls, 48405 total]
0.04% (99.68%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [25 calls, 48405 total]
0.04% (96.40%) Kernel#loop [25 calls, 48405 total]
0.01% (26.71%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [4525 calls, 8654114 total]
0.00% (11.50%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (48.20%) Enumerable#none? [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (96.45%) Array#each [25 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (18.92%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [175 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (39.47%) Kernel#caller_locations [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (2.97%) Exception#set_backtrace [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (1.35%) Class#new [25 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (35.09%) Exception#initialize [25 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.39%) Exception#exception [25 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.36%) Exception#backtrace [25 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (10.86%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [3650 calls, 7016526 total]
0.00% (6.90%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [3650 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Module#=== [25 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.07%) Array#drop [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (21.30%) Enumerable#none? [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.01% (99.69%) Array#each [25 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (26.15%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [4425 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (0.68%) Kernel#caller_locations [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [25 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Array#drop [25 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.27%) BasicObject#method_missing [25 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (67.86%) NoMethodError#initialize [25 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (66.64%) NameError#initialize [25 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (63.12%) Exception#initialize [25 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.15%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [25 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.06%) Exception#backtrace [25 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#exception [25 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [25 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.00%) Kernel#=== [25 calls, 1139 total]
0.21% (3.09%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [13 calls, 1518 total]
0.21% (99.97%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping [13 calls, 1518 total]
0.21% (99.97%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#revive_hash [13 calls, 1518 total]
0.21% (99.99%) Enumerable#each_slice [13 calls, 1518 total]
0.21% (99.99%) Array#each [13 calls, 105526 total]
0.21% (99.88%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#accept [88 calls, 49962 total]
0.21% (99.91%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#accept [88 calls, 49962 total]
0.21% (99.92%) Psych::Visitors::Visitor#visit [88 calls, 49962 total]
0.17% (82.05%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Scalar [84 calls, 47784 total]
0.17% (99.84%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#deserialize [84 calls, 47784 total]
0.17% (99.58%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class_with_constantize [84 calls, 48347 total]
0.16% (96.36%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.12% (75.95%) BindingOfCaller::BindingExtensions#callers [84 calls, 48405 total]
0.12% (99.72%) <Class::RubyVM::DebugInspector>#open [84 calls, 48405 total]
0.12% (96.51%) Kernel#loop [84 calls, 48405 total]
0.03% (23.67%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_binding [16044 calls, 8654114 total]
0.00% (11.80%) BetterErrors::ExceptionExtension#set_backtrace [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (48.83%) Enumerable#none? [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (93.13%) Array#each [84 calls, 105526 total]
0.00% (23.56%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [588 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (36.01%) Kernel#caller_locations [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (3.44%) Exception#set_backtrace [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (1.40%) Class#new [84 calls, 108684 total]
0.00% (30.81%) Exception#initialize [84 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.35%) Exception#exception [84 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.34%) Exception#backtrace [84 calls, 96841 total]
0.01% (11.14%) Kernel#instance_variable_set [12936 calls, 7016526 total]
0.01% (7.15%) RubyVM::DebugInspector#frame_iseq [12936 calls, 7016495 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Module#=== [84 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.07%) Array#drop [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.04% (22.94%) Enumerable#none? [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.04% (99.74%) Array#each [84 calls, 105526 total]
0.01% (23.41%) Thread::Backtrace::Location#path [15708 calls, 8799329 total]
0.00% (0.68%) Kernel#caller_locations [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#set_backtrace [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.04%) <Module::Kernel>#binding [84 calls, 48405 total]
0.00% (0.03%) Array#drop [84 calls, 96810 total]
0.00% (0.25%) BasicObject#method_missing [84 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (68.53%) NoMethodError#initialize [84 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (66.98%) NameError#initialize [84 calls, 48353 total]
0.00% (44.33%) Exception#initialize [84 calls, 96795 total]
0.00% (0.13%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#resolve_class [84 calls, 48347 total]
0.00% (0.05%) Exception#exception [84 calls, 96826 total]
0.00% (0.04%) Exception#backtrace [84 calls, 96841 total]
0.00% (0.02%) Module#=== [84 calls, 229904 total]
0.00% (0.28%) Psych::ScalarScanner#tokenize [49 calls, 37102 total]
0.00% (21.93%) Regexp#=== [84 calls, 83821 total]
0.00% (11.93%) Hash#key? [87 calls, 78094 total]
0.00% (0.87%) String#=== [7 calls, 1569 total]
0.00% (0.07%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#register [84 calls, 49865 total]
0.04% (17.65%) Psych::Visitors::ToRuby#visit_Psych_Nodes_Mapping_with_class [4 calls, 1518 total]